Samuel Katz – Terrorism The Beirut Rules and Changing With the Game - Sam Katz is an author who focuses on actual terrorist events and organizations. We met Sam through Fred Burton, a fellow collector who is a world-renowned expert on the topic.
Get Sam's incredible books here. Sam's latest book with Fred Burton is called the Beirut Rules and it chronicles the murder of CIA Station Chief William Buckley. Also, available for presale is Samuel's book No Shadows in the Desert, which breaks down ISIS and the fight to destroy D'ash. Haiku The spy game has rules Until your advisory Decides the change them Similar episodes: Fred Burton John Spencer and Will Hardy Shaka Senghor #peteaturner #peteaturnersbreakitdownshow #terrorism #beirutrules #noshadowsinthedesert #samuelkatz #bids #groundtruth #intelligence #counterterrorism #terror #political #middleeast #orient #levant #isreael #iran #hezbollah #statesponsored #saudi #islam #arab #jordan Join us in supporting Save the Brave by making a monthly donation. Executive Producer/Host/Intro: Pete A. Turner Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev Writer: Bojan Spasovski |