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Album Fight - In this Album Fight episode, we feature Fleetwood Mac's Rumours vs Van Halen's self-titled debut.Rumours, 1977 GRAMMY winner for Album of the Year is one of the most recognized and celebrated albums of all time. In many ways Rumours defines the 70's. There's little doubt that Fleetwood Mac's 11th studio album is among the best "break up" albums ever created. Mick Fleetwood called their record, "The most important album we ever made."
Van Halen's debut album is described by one word, Swagger. David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen and Michael Anthony offer what many have called the greatest debut album ever. Van Halen was the record by which all rock albums were measured against for the next 10 years. The record is a masterwork, it's monolithic and dominant in a way that few albums ever achieve. #albumfight #BIDS #albumfight |