More Martinis - Today we deliver Pt 2 of our chat with Dr. Robert Greenberg and Justin Levitt; each has significant ties to Steinway and Sons. Dr. Bob is a long time friend of the show, so please look at many of the back episodes to better know the man. This episode also features, composer/pianist Justin Levitt who's making his inaugural appearance on the show.
In part 2 we discuss the Triple Cleveland, various methods for playing the piano and tell a LOT of jokes as we conclude a martini filled session with our good friends. Get to Dr. Bob's website to buy his lectures, to review his work and see his schedule. He's in Phoenix and San Francisco lecturing live. Don't miss your opportunity to see Dr. Bob, he will enrich your life. Justin composes a genre he calls "Life Music" and it's wonderful. Take a look at Justin's work here, he'll be on the show again soon. #BIDS #AlbumFight |