Bill Mankins - Trapped in Afghanistan - Bill has visited the show several times. Each time delivering incredible insight into Afghanistan. As the US and her coalition partners work to extract their citizens and Afghans, we must not lose sight of what it takes to succeed in overseas operations...and how quickly failed policy decisions can unravel any hope for success.
Afghanistan experts Bill Mankins and Pete A Turner discuss elements of the latest phase of operations in Afghanistan. Currently, there are still an unknown number of Americans, visa-holding Afghans and people US coalition partners are desperate to get out of the country. Mankins notes that these exfiltrations are critical to reducing the amount of atrocity caused by the Biden Administration's irresponsible and bungled retreat. Please support the Break It Down Show by doing a monthly subscription to the show bit.ly/2ZyWfdW All of the money you invest goes directly to supporting the show! For the live version of this episode head to youtu.be/dzswsFvvKh0 Haiku In Afghanistan Desperate people want out Who'll help if not us? Similar episodes: Xander Bullock youtu.be/GYC79EEboFs John Green youtu.be/inY3g3NAUe8 Pete A Turner youtu.be/MbC0SgQMoFk Join us in supporting Save the Brave as we battle PTSD. www.savethebrave.org Executive Producer/Host: Pete A Turner youtu.be/mYoUxRJzXcA Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev youtu.be/3Ciw2tLo_hg Writer: Dragan Petrovski youtu.be/JVum9nRpyUs The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of shows. |