Cat Connor - Byte Series Author Cat Connor Delivers, Vaporbyte - Cat Connor is the author of the Byte crime thriller series. Her novels follow a serial crimes investigative team lead by Senior Special Agen Ellie Conway. Cat and Pete A Turner discuss Cat's latest in the series, Vapor Byte.
As Cat has progressed through the series, her characters have become a central part of her life; often demanding as much time as her children. She's also co-Director and co-founder of 'Writers Plot bookshop': The only bookshop in the world that only stocks Kiwi authors. If you've a mind to travel to New Zealand, Cat's hometown, Upper Hutt, and her book shop are fantastic destinations. Get Her Books Here and Give them a rating. Haiku Writer of thrillers The Byte Series is her thing Plus she’s crazy Similar episodes: Cat Connor Cat Connor Craig Johnson #author #cirmeseries #gruesome #fbi #delta #ssa #specialagent #byte #cryptobyte #byteseries #writer #book #fiction #spy #Peteaturner #jonleonguerrero #bids #groundtruth #breakitdownshow #lionsrockproductions #podcast #interview #episode Join us in supporting Save the Brave by making a monthly donation. Executive Producer/Intro/: Pete A. Turner Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev Writer: Bojan Spasovski |