Chris Merrick Hughes – What is New Wave, Tears for Fears - Chris Merrick Hughes is a music producer who has done it all. He's pioneered a genre while drumming in Adam and the Ants. He's defined the genre producing for Tears for Fears. He's also worked with legends like Robert Plant, Paul McCartney and Peter Gabriel.
Pete A Turner and Chris talk about New Wave. Many of the emblematic songs have the core elements of rock and roll...so what makes it New Wave. Chris gives us the answer. Essentially, it's a new approach, and not just in the music. For the live version of this episode head to youtu.be/5no-XQtC5YY Today's intro is provided by a lifelong friend of Pete and Jon's. Robyn Sickler has known Pete since the 70's and Jon since the early 90's think about that. Robyn is a kidney donor so she's love for you folks to support her charity. Please support the Break It Down Show by doing a monthly subscription to the show bit.ly/3pPkrjr All of the money you invest goes directly to supporting the show! Haiku Doing it Different That’s what New Wave Really is It’s not just haircuts Similar episodes: Victor Davis Hanson - youtu.be/rH6z8xU3U9g Andrew Dziengeleski - youtu.be/C32XLv1njqQ James S Parker - youtu.be/vfTP486PQK0 Join us in supporting Save the Brave as we battle PTSD. www.savethebrave.org Executive Producer/Host: Pete A Turner youtu.be/mYoUxRJzXcA Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev youtu.be/3Ciw2tLo_hg The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of shows. |