David Daley – “Unrigged” Battling to Save Democracy - David Daley, is back with a new book, "Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy." Pete A Turner and David talk about David's examination of gerrymandering. In his first book Ratfucked, it's the state legislature's role in redistricting that impacts national elections. In the 2nd book, David relays how citizens are battling to take back their representation.
Get his book “Ratf**ed, Why your vote doesn’t count” Get Unrigged, David's latest book “Unrigged” is about grassroots political movements around the nation forcing significant changes in how our government operates. With citizens using things like Facebook to create the changes that best serve the community. Haiku David the author Reveals Ordinary Folks Unrigging the vote Similar episodes: Dave Daley Dr. Rich Ledet Courtland Sykes Join us in supporting Save the Brave by making a monthly donation. Executive Producer/Intro/: Pete A. Turner Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev Writer: Bojan Spasovski #author #best-selling #book #writer #politics #government #politicalsystem #Peteaturner #jonleonguerrero #scotthuesing #best-sellingauthor #writer #bids #groundtruth #Damjangjorgiev #breakitdownshow #lionsrockproductions #podcast #interview #episode, #peteaturnersbreakitdownshow |