Dr Robert Greenberg – Greenberg Music, Art Informing Who We Are - One of our favorite guests, we say this a lot don't we, is Dr Robert Greenberg. If you hear our smiles, it's cuz Dr Bob is an absolute joy to talk with. If you don't already know, Dr. Greenberg is THE voice in bringing literate music to the masses. His work with the Teaching Company (where you should buy his courses) redefined how people learn.
Get all of Dr Bob's info at robertgreenbergmusic.com or support his Patreon page at www.patreon.com/RobertGreenbergMusic Whether it's historic figures like Bach, Wagner or Mozart--or genres like Opera or Quartets, there's a lecture that will fill your mind with wonder and knowledge. Truly, Dr Bob is a treasure. Jon Leon Guerrero and Pete A Turner host this episode. The live episode is available here - youtu.be/ABD4NrSrWNU Haiku People are People Our art tells us who we are Don't deny ourselves Similar episodes: Robert Greenberg - youtu.be/6ZmF_-V3i6o Robert Greenberg - youtu.be/Y91LWX8Egk4 Robert Greenberg - youtu.be/wELyL9HftjA Join us in supporting Save the Brave as we battle PTSD. www.savethebrave.org Executive Producer/Host: Pete A Turner youtu.be/mYoUxRJzXcA Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev youtu.be/3Ciw2tLo_hg The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of shows |