Psychoacoustician, Sounds, Vibrations and Emotions - Today we've got PhD Duncan Williams who studies psychoacoustics at York University. How does one go from being a metal-head struggling sound engineer to someone who studies how sound and vibrations affect the brain?
Hard work and lots of all-nighters mastering the math and coding required to create the tools that lead to the secrets of the brain. Along the way we realized that his work directly impacts something important to us, helping those diagnosed with ALS. Jon Leon Guerrero and Pete A Turner met Duncan at NAMMShow, because of course, we did. We have to mention our friend Phil Green who's recent ALS diagnosis is now connect with Duncan and the ALS community at large. For more on Phil check out I am ALS. Deep Hat Tip to our good friend Wes Maebe who introduced us to Duncan. Fun note, Duncan was Wes' best man. #podcast #IAMALS #episode #BIDS #NAMMShow #psychoacoustics #YorkUniversity Similar episodes: Wes Maebe Wes Maebe Phil Green |