Jordan French - Grid Daily News Executive Editor - Our latest Break it Down Show gets gritty with Grit Daily founder and executive editor Jordan French a serial entrepreneur, engineer, and attorney that has founded six companies, including a software company, media agency, a cage-free egg farm, a 3D pizza printing company for space and is now on to Grit Daily a media company focused on brands.
Sandra Ponce De Leon and Pete A Turner discuss what it means to be gritty, how Grit Daily elevates underserved communities and gives voice to the underdogs, and why rainbow washing isn’t a good thing. We also discuss GritDaily’s nomination for SXSW: Brands Can Do Good Too. #podcast #doinggood #serialentrepreneur #bids #groundtruth #vision #growthhack #sxsw Similar episodes: Kris Duggan Michael G. Waltz DJ Waldow |