Larry Batiste and Claytoven Richardson pt 2 NAMM's TEC Awards and James Earley - Anytime we can record with James Earley, it's a great day. We've got Larry Batiste and Claytoven Richardson back to wrap up our chat about their multi-decade work with the NAMM Show's TEC Awards.
Jon Leon Guerrero hosts at Bay View 2, Larry, Claytoven and James and they dig into to some food and talk about music. The show really jumps when they talk about how getting with the right producers vaulted Janet Jackson into the artist we know today. #process #music #life #hammer #janetjackson #namm #nammshow #tecawards #podcast #groundtruth #claytoven #producers Haiku Larry: chemistry Claytoven: preparation Musical magic Similar episodes: Larry Batiste Larry Batiste Leslie Ann Jones |