Raul Vega - Spearhead and the Rose Drive Podcast Season Finale - Raul Vega is the Creator, Writer and Show Runner for Rose Drive Podcast This is Raul's 3rd visit to the show. When Raul first came on, he was just emerging into the podcast world. None of us had any idea that he'd break out into one of the biggest, and most successful podcasts of 2018.
Best-Selling Author Scott Huesing joins Pete A Turner as they get into what it's like as Raul spearheads the scripted podcast genre. The first week of Sept 2019, Raul and crew will release a series of episodes concluding with the Season 1 Rose Drive finale. Hat tip to Joshua Dudley, and Barney's Beanery. #podcast #rosedrive #scripteddrama #bids #groundtruth #hanszimmer Haiku What is old is new The cliff hanger resolves on Rose Drive Podcast Raul Vega Raul Vega 2 Raul Vega 2.2 |