Rich Ledet & Pete A Turner Customary Disregard for Religion in Conflict Zones - Dr. Richard Ledet, who has tenure!, is talking with Pete A Turner. The guys are sorting out on the show their current paper that deals with how we fail to recognize the power religion has in conflict zones.
Rich does his job as the professor to explain the existing work on this topic. Meanwhile, Pete takes his 70+months of work on the ground and gives us examples that are often lacking from policy, strategy and operations. BTW Look up Mada'in, Ctesiphon Arch and Salman Pak to get some idea of where Pete's been and the lessons he's learned. The guys also work to define "Ground Truth." This definition is important because we don't seem to have a codified base definition for combat operations. Let us know what you think. If you're interested in more on this, hit up the guys through [email protected] The guys are glad to share their paper and collect your thoughts. Haiku Sitting on a couch One Pistol between two dudes Made safe by culture Similar episodes: Ledet and Turner - Pitfalls of Female Engagement Nite Train - Interpreters in Conflict Zones Dr. Richard Ledet & Pete A Turner - Reflections On Nation Building |