Robert Greenberg – Music, Tower of Power, Life - From the very beginning of the Break It Down Show, we've loved Robert Greenberg. Over the course of 1200+ episodes we've explored everything with Dr. Bob. When Pete A Turner's dad Bob died, they sorted out life and music. When Dr Bob's dad died, the fellas got together. Jon Leon Guerrero and Pete connected with Dissect podcasts Cole Kuchna they discovered that Cole was also a fan of Dr Bob--You know what happened next. They blew Cole's mind by sitting the two of them down for a great episode of BIDS.
Your life will absolutely be enriched by heading to and subscribing to his patreon page: robertgreenbergmusic.com With the passing of Pete's brother Eric J Turner, it's time to once again, get together and examine life, music, history and the things that matter most. Get ready for a world class episode. Robert, Jon and Pete get into the best that is what life is about. Please support the Break It Down Show by doing a monthly subscription to the show bit.ly/2ZyWfdW All of the money you invest goes directly to supporting the show! For the live version of this episode head to youtu.be/8bq8J8BgPME Haiku Robert's our staple We match like burgers and coke So, enjoy the ep! Similar episodes: Joe Posnanski youtu.be/2BTLSL7sFhE Taylor Greiger youtu.be/inY3g3NAUe8 Brian Curtice youtu.be/33OR7ySeieM Join us in supporting Save the Brave as we battle PTSD. www.savethebrave.org Executive Producer/Host: Pete A Turner youtu.be/mYoUxRJzXcA Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev youtu.be/3Ciw2tLo_hg Writer: Dragan Petrovski youtu.be/JVum9nRpyUs The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of shows. |