Thomas J Colbert - Catching DB Cooper, the Last Notorious Outlaw - Thomas J Colbert assembled a team of investigators, including an 85 yo Private Eye and our co-host Erik Kleinsmith to break down one of the most famous cold cases in US history.
Get the book The Last Master Outlaw: How He Outfoxed the FBI Six Times But Not A Cold Case Team The DB Cooper case has confounded police for nearly 50 years. Reportedly drowned as he parachuted out of his hijacked plane, nobody was satisfied by the explanation given by the FBI. There's a reason. DB Cooper was really Robert Rackstraw and he worked for the CIA. Pete A Turner, BTW, Erik Kleinsmith was also Pete's Commander while at the mighty 165th in Darmstadt Germany/Bosnia back in 1996. Pete and Jon Leon Guerrero sit down and dive into this incredible story. You aren't going to believe how much of an operator Robert Rackstraw was...and he's the perfect subject for #OperatorWeek #dbcooper #spyvsspy #investigation #coldcase #rackstraw #cia #casehandler #FOIA #hijack #vietnam #irancontra #pilot Haiku Thomas J Colbert Dead case file DB Cooper Case closed it’s Rackstraw Similar episodes: Denny Tedesco Dr John Sullivan and MAJ John Spencer Shelley Smith |