Vanessa Otero - Ad Fontes Media, Analyzing Your News - Vanessa Otero, a patent attorney, decided to put her nerdy skills to work and analyze new sources. Her work led to hear founding Ad Fontes Media an interactive source for news media analysis.
To learn more about Ad Fontes Media click here There's a free interactive model that forces deep dives into the quality and reporting of stories and news outlets. There's also an educational edition to give teachers the ability to teach students how to better analyze the news. Funny, our co-host is Erik Kleinsmith who's Pete A Turner's former commander. As a spy, Erik is always looking for a way to unseat his adversary; and brings us Vanessa's story. Learn more about Ad Fontes Media work here #espionage #spy #spyvsspy #news #politics #podcast #episode #counterintelligence #intelligence #analysis #trump #foxnews Join us in supporting Save the Brave by making a monthly donation Haiku Who’s telling the truth It’s Ad Fontes Media Our vision is help Similar episodes: Erik Kleinsmith Thomas J Colbert Shelley Smith Executive Producer/Intro: Pete A. Turner Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev Writer: Bojan Spasovski |